We offer technical and contractual expertise in the database environment. Our focus is on PostgreSQL and Oracle. We're happy to help you with concept creation, your individual transformation as well as license consulting and license optimization.
IT infrastructure
We are happy to support you in conceptual design, modernization and optimization of your IT infrastructure OnPrem as well as your cloud.
Network solutions
We are happy to support you in design, modernization and optimization of your network.
We build your infrastructure
yITs offers over 100 years of IT infrastructure and database and license management experience to large enterprises and corporations.
In over 2,000 projects, we have supported companies in various segments in the implementation and management of IT projects.
POSTGRES Database Appliance
With our PostgreSQL appliance, we offer better performance, security, compliance, and up to 70% lower software costs without time-consuming system changeovers.
We provide training, installation, operation, hardware and software
from a single source so that you can provide the best service with maximum safety and efficiency.
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POSTGRES Database Appliance
PostgreSQL Appliance is a state-of-the-art solution built on container technology. This enables faster deployment, easier scaling, and greater flexibility in managing your PostgreSQL databases. The PostgreSQL Appliance provides a unique solution for both on-premise and cloud environments, allowing you to seamlessly integrate your PostgreSQL databases into your infrastructure. With PostgreSQL Appliance, you can quickly and easily deploy and manage your database environment for optimal performance and availability.
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POSTGRES Database Appliance
Our tools for PostgreSQL provide you with comprehensive support for migration to PostgreSQL and make your daily work with your databases easier. We offer a comprehensive toolkit ranging from graphical cluster installer to migrator and datamasking. With our tools you can quickly and easily set up and configure PostgreSQL, migrate data from other databases and protect sensitive data. Our tools are user-friendly and provide an intuitive interface that allows you to quickly and easily access all the key features and information you need to effectively manage your database environment.
and allows you to manage and monitor your PostgreSQL databases quickly and easily.
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WAN modernization
A pan-European customer had an existing WAN infrastructure that was not meeting the need for improved performance and scalability. To overcome these challenges, the company decided to implement SD-WAN.
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WAN modernization
Initial situation
A company with more than 100 sites in 10 European countries had an existing WAN infrastructure, but the existing backup lines were not being used and there was a need to improve visibility. To overcome these challenges, the company decided to implement SD-WAN.
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WAN modernization
YITs created a concept for the implementation of SD-WAN for a customer and chose Cisco as the vendor.
The project began with a detailed analysis of the customer’s existing WAN infrastructure to develop a deep understanding of the current environment. The YITs team then created a concept for the implementation of SD-WAN that was tailored to the customer’s specific requirements.
Working with the customer, YITs selected Cisco as the preferred vendor for SD-WAN implementation. The decision was based on a number of factors, including Cisco’s expertise in networking technology, the comprehensive functionality of Cisco solutions, and the proven reliability and scalability of Cisco products.
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WAN modernization
After selecting Cisco SD-WAN and creating the concept, YITs’ team worked closely with partner company NTS to create a concrete implementation plan and develop a detailed on-premises solution.
Together, they developed a comprehensive technical specification that covered all aspects of SD-WAN implementation, including network architecture, hardware and software requirements, and the configuration and integration of the solution into the customer’s existing IT infrastructure
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WAN modernization
The SD-WAN project was successfully implemented in close cooperation between the customer, YITs and partner company NTS. The implementation took place at over 100 sites in 10 countries and included the integration of SD-WAN into the customer’s existing WAN infrastructure.
Thanks to the joint efforts of YITs and NTS, the project was completed on time and within budget. The new solution now enables customers to use their WAN infrastructure more efficiently and provides improved visibility and control over the network.
The customer was satisfied with the result of the implementation and highlighted the professional cooperation and extensive technical expertise of YITs and NTS. The new SD-WAN solution now offers customers improved network performance, more security and greater flexibility.
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POSTGRES Database Appliance
With our PostgreSQL appliance, we offer better performance, security, compliance, and up to 70% lower software costs without time-consuming system changeovers.
We provide training, installation, operation, hardware and software
from a single source so that you can provide the best service with maximum safety and efficiency.
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POSTGRES Database Appliance
PostgreSQL Appliance is a state-of-the-art solution built on container technology. This enables faster deployment, easier scaling, and greater flexibility in managing your PostgreSQL databases. The PostgreSQL Appliance provides a unique solution for both on-premise and cloud environments, allowing you to seamlessly integrate your PostgreSQL databases into your infrastructure. With PostgreSQL Appliance, you can quickly and easily deploy and manage your database environment for optimal performance and availability.
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POSTGRES Database Appliance
Our tools for PostgreSQL provide you with comprehensive support for migration to PostgreSQL and make your daily work with your databases easier. We offer a comprehensive toolkit ranging from graphical cluster installer to migrator and datamasking. With our tools you can quickly and easily set up and configure PostgreSQL, migrate data from other databases and protect sensitive data. Our tools are user-friendly and provide an intuitive interface that allows you to quickly and easily access all the key features and information you need to effectively manage your database environment.
and allows you to manage and monitor your PostgreSQL databases quickly and easily.
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WAN modernization
A pan-European customer had an existing WAN infrastructure that was not meeting the need for improved performance and scalability. To overcome these challenges, the company decided to implement SD-WAN.
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WAN modernization
Initial situation
A company with more than 100 sites in 10 European countries had an existing WAN infrastructure, but the existing backup lines were not being used and there was a need to improve visibility. To overcome these challenges, the company decided to implement SD-WAN.
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WAN modernization
YITs created a concept for the implementation of SD-WAN for a customer and chose Cisco as the vendor.
The project began with a detailed analysis of the customer’s existing WAN infrastructure to develop a deep understanding of the current environment. The YITs team then created a concept for the implementation of SD-WAN that was tailored to the customer’s specific requirements.
Working with the customer, YITs selected Cisco as the preferred vendor for SD-WAN implementation. The decision was based on a number of factors, including Cisco’s expertise in networking technology, the comprehensive functionality of Cisco solutions, and the proven reliability and scalability of Cisco products.
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WAN modernization
After selecting Cisco SD-WAN and creating the concept, YITs’ team worked closely with partner company NTS to create a concrete implementation plan and develop a detailed on-premises solution.
Together, they developed a comprehensive technical specification that covered all aspects of SD-WAN implementation, including network architecture, hardware and software requirements, and the configuration and integration of the solution into the customer’s existing IT infrastructure
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WAN modernization
The SD-WAN project was successfully implemented in close cooperation between the customer, YITs and partner company NTS. The implementation took place at over 100 sites in 10 countries and included the integration of SD-WAN into the customer’s existing WAN infrastructure.
Thanks to the joint efforts of YITs and NTS, the project was completed on time and within budget. The new solution now enables customers to use their WAN infrastructure more efficiently and provides improved visibility and control over the network.
The customer was satisfied with the result of the implementation and highlighted the professional cooperation and extensive technical expertise of YITs and NTS. The new SD-WAN solution now offers customers improved network performance, more security and greater flexibility.
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Independent, competent, cross-segment: we always have the best options for you in mind
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Consulting & Migration
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Training & Support
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IT infrastructure
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yITs is an independent, owner-managed IT company based in Vienna. The company has specialized in offering its customers the best possible IT solutions and is always 100% on their customers’ side.
yITs is independent, as the company has no ties or dependence on large manufacturers. Instead, yITs is always 100% on the side of the customer and selects the appropriate solution to provide the best possible IT solution.
yITs is distinguished by its broad experience and select experts in the fields of databases, IT infrastructure, license management and IT operations. With their comprehensive know-how, yITs is able to provide its customers with the perfect IT solution.